Prince Author of Genesis, A technical consultant with experience in Information technology and services. Love exploring and developing new innovative and interesting stuffs. Knowledgeable in an assortment of programming languages, scripting languages, operating systems, and applications.

Postman installation in Kali Linux

Postman installation in Kali Linux

Postman is the Google chrome app for interacting with HTTP APIs. It give a user friendly interactive environment for creating request and reading responses.

Earlier, this app was an extension for the Google Chrome web browser. But as the popularity of this app increased, and more features were getting introduced in this application, its Google Chrome extension was deprecated for the Native desktop app.

If you are a debian user like us, then the below steps could help you with the installation,

  1. Open the Terminal
  2. Download Postman for Kali GNU/Linux
  3. Extract them to a temp directory,
     tar xvzf ~/Downloads/Postman*.tar.gz -C /tmp/
  4. First setup super user as owner,
     sudo chown -R root:root /tmp/Postman
  5. Then relocate it,
     sudo mv /tmp/Postman /opt/
  6. Make a symlink for easy launching on shell
     sudo ln -s /opt/Postman/app/Postman /usr/local/bin/Postman

Finally start and enjoy Postman app in Kali Linux. From shell simply type in



Hope this information is helpful !!

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