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Decorators in Python

Recently we came across this catchy concept in python and we thought it would be helpful on writing some basic stuffs about this. So lets dive in!!!

The Sudoers - Controlling privileages

Sudoers is a file in directory ‘/etc/sudoers’ in Linux or Mac OS. By editing this file, we can control the access granted to various clients.

Using Wireshark - A kick start for beginners

Wireshark proved to be one of most powerful network package capturing and analysis tool. Download is pretty much easy and given the link here. Once you fire up Wireshark it’ll...

Troubleshoot-Cannot run VLC as root

After fresh installation or upgrade of existing versions, Vlc might not open. On trying the best with terminal, if you have received traces like Cannot run vlc as root this...

Dmitry - Information Gathering Tool

Networking got bunch of advanced information gathering tools like nmap. But yet dmitry satisfies some criteria that forms foundation of information gathering.

Postman installation in Kali Linux

Postman is the Google chrome app for interacting with HTTP APIs. It give a user friendly interactive environment for creating request and reading responses.